Shiala Admin replied

717 weeks ago

.: Legacy of Old - Preliminary Guideline :.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Linkshell Staff
  • Scheduled Runs: Days/Times - Trail
  • Markings/Hyroglyphics Locations
  • Application Process and Acceptance/Rejection
  • Linkshell Exclusivity - Our Expectations
  • Raising Protocol and Reraise Items


Welcome to our forum!

We're pleased that you're interested in joining one of Lakshmi's finest Dynamis linkshells. We as a linkshell will always strive to do the following for you:

  • Give you a fun experience;
  • Help you aquire clears for every Dynamis zone;
  • Help you aquire all the AF2 you could possibly desire.

In return, we ask the following of you:
  • Attend and participate to the best of your ability;
  • Treat your fellow linkshell members with dignity and respect;
  • Consider others ahead of yourself when lotting on AF2 drops.

Our rules are always open for discussion. All members are free to make suggestions to myself or a sackholder. Suggested changes will be discussed and, if deemed a possible positive change, will be put up for discussion in the appropriate area of the forum.

On Rule Abuse: If ever you feel a rule has been abused, you are free to take it to the appropriate sackholder via tell, forum PM, or however else you see fit. It is important to note though, the sackholders each hold different responsibilities and as such, there will be times where one particular sackholder or another is unable to help you. Please consider who is responsible for the area in question before asking an inappropriate person. Also of consideration here should be timing for when to bring an issue to a sackholder's attention. During a run is the WRONG time. Before runs and after runs is fine. During non-event days is fine. Be courteous and make sure the sackholder is not wrapped up in an activity before starting up a conversation about breaches of rules.

The Linkshell Staff

  • Eyrhika
  • Jofjax
  • Shourin
  • Satoshiko
  • Shourin
  • Shiala
  • Purp

Scheduled Runs - Days and Times - Trail Markings Locations

In applying to our linkshell, it is assumed that you will be able to attend the majority of our Dynamis events. Attendees should arrive at the Trail Markings/Hieroglyphics at least 30 minutes ahead of time to augment the party-building process. Legacy's Dynamis runs are regularly scheduled for:
  • Sundays at 1:00pm, eastern time
  • Wednesdays at 8:30pm, eastern time

HERE is a link to our event calendar.

The Trail Markings/Hieroglyphics for the various Dynamis zones are located at:
  • San d'Oria: In Southern San d'Oria, beside a tree just outside of the Mog House tunnel
  • Bastok: In Bastok Mines, right outside the Mog House
  • Windurst: In Windurst Walls, just outside of the Mog House tunnel
  • Jeuno: In Ru'Lude Gardens, just outside and to the left of the Mog House zoneline, on the lower level
  • Beaucedine Glacier: Near the Ranguemont Pass zoneline, in the southwestern area of the map
  • Xarcabard: Near the Beaucedine Glacier zoneline
  • Buburimu Peninsula: Near the Mhaura zoneline
  • Valkurm Dunes: Immediately behind the Outpost
  • Qufim Island: Near the Worm Pond in the middle of the map
  • Tavnazian Safehold: On the lower level, near the Sealion's Den zoneline

    Application Process and Acceptance/Rejection

    We accept applications from anyone on Lakshmi, regardless of your HNMLS or social LS affiliations. However, we are also an ancient, experienced linkshell. We will more than likely NOT accept an application from a new player who has just hit level 65 on their first job. Please be realistic.

    It is important that you read ALL the posts thoroughly in this section before applying. Not reading/understanding the rules before posting an application will get it shunned during voting by most of our LS, including myself.

    When posting your application, it is important that you include a lot of info about yourself. For instance:

    • MAIN and SUB lot choices
    • Character name and relevant job levels
    • Flags and AF2 you've already obtained
    • Anything else you feel is important

    • Some people ask why we do not have a copy/paste application form for people to fill out. The reason is, a person's application is VERY telling. We have chosen to allow our applicants to structure their own application, because we can use your application to assess a lot of things about you. Your application is EVERYTHING. If it fails, so do you.

      Once your application is reviewed, it will be placed into a poll that all current members are allowed to vote in. The purpose of the poll is for our current members to discuss each applicant's attributes and reputation, as well as past experiences with said applicant. The poll will conclude seven days from the date of the poll posting.

      Upon the poll's completion, the result will be posted in the application thread, and the applicant will then be considered a New Member. New members are not entitled to ANY lotting whatsoever until the completion of their eighth run with the linkshell, though in practice, many New Members leave their very first run with one or more pieces of AF2.

      Added, September 11th, 2009: Our members have long known that poll confidentiality is an enforced requirement. Our members are forbidden from telling you what is being said in your poll thread. If it is discovered they are leaking what is said by our other members IN CONFIDENCE, they will lose their pearl, no questions asked. Your poll will also be immediately closed, and you not be considered for membership at any point, present or future. It is, therefore, quite unfair for you to place your friends in this position. Please honor the fact that our polls are confidential, and do not ask your friends to "leak" information from your poll thread to you.

      Linkshell Exclusivity - Our Expectations

      Currently, we do dynamis twice a week and thanks to the new dynamis changes, players are able to enter dynamis zones once a day. Because of this, we ask that all members of the linkshell are expected to be able to attend on scheduled run days. Outside of our usual scheduled runs, players are free to enter dynamis with whomever they like.

      Raising Protocol and Reraise Items

      All Raises: As standard practice, if we wipe prior to getting a zone's flag, the call "All raises" will go out in linkshell chat. In this situation, it is expected that every member with a Raise I spell will dish out raises without asking, preferably to other people who can Raise. Members are expected to take whatever they are given; do not refuse a Raise I in this circumstance, it generates ill will and will result in expulsion from the linkshell.

      R2/R3: Partial wipes (or full wipes after attaining the flag) will usually be met with a call for "R2/R3 now please" in linkshell chat. WHM's that are present will be expected to deal out Raise II's and III's as their MP allows.

      Raise III: In all other circumstances, Raise III will be used exclusively.

      If you do not want to risk having to take a Raise I during a wipe, then use a Reraise item, it is as simple as that. Please recognize, we are not being hard on the use and acceptance of Raises "just because", we have spelled out our expectations here because we do everything – destroy zones, collect AF2's and currencies, and get flags – as a team. Mistakes happen, and we will deal with experience loss – as a team.

last edited 717 weeks ago by Shiala
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